
Your Security Is Our Business!

On-Site Shredding: We Come To You

Boxes, files, and bins of paper are scattered around your office, clogging up the foot paths between cubicles, and threatening the unwary office traveler with obstructions. You know that these need to get shredded, but the idea of hauling these out to a shred facility is a daunting one. Luckily you took some time to read up on the various shredding services available, and, to your great satisfaction, have discovered that on-site shredding is real. As the name implies, shredding services come to your location to carry out secure shredding. Of course this is wonderful, doubly so as you glance at the piles and piles of papers.

Jammed Shredder Scraps Between Paper Shredder Blades

On-Site Shredding And The Shred Truck

In order to shred on-site, service needs to come to your location somehow, but how is this achieved? Obviously the whole facility doesn’t stand up and walk over to you, though that would be impressive. Instead, a fleet of shredding trucks is on standby to go wherever they are needed.

The trucks are an impressive piece of equipment, and are necessary for any form of shredding provider. Within their confines is an industrial grade shredder that is capable of handling any form of shredding job that may be asked of it. The machine can shred more than just paper, these chompers easily chew through cardboard, file folders, paper clips, and staples that may be mixed in with the papers. By removing the need to sort through files and separate those out, your shredding efforts are a lot faster, as you can just chuck your papers into the machine.

As mentioned, the trucks come to your location when you need shredding, but what happens when they arrive? Is it as simple as you lugging out all your papers to the truck for disposal? It essentially is, except you get to sit back and take it easy.

A big part of the on-site service is the fact that the uniformed staff that arrives with the truck will gather up all your material, under your supervision of course, and haul it out to the shred truck for you. Everything is loaded up into the truck, and then the shredding happens, which you can observe from a monitor on the side. With all the oversight you could want, the peace of mind you can get is second to none.

Simply reach out to us if you’re interested in receiving a visit from a shred truck to benefit from on-site shredding. We’re here to help you with all your shredding needs by providing certified compliant services.

We are here to answer all your questions about secure document and hard drive shredding.
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