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Purge Shedding: Perfect For Clean Outs

Somewhere out there is an office, be it personal or professional, that has papers stacked to the ceiling. Great towers reaching higher than your head, many teetering dangerously as the weight of those on top crush those below. One wrong move and it will all come crashing down on an unsuspecting individual. Many delude themselves into believing this mess is organized, are that everything will stay exactly where it was placed. Something has to change lest you be buried beneath your papers, or even face compliance fines should the worst happen.

a man in an office with paper full to the ceiling

Tackling this mess may seem insurmountable, but do not despair, there is hope for those faced with this titanic mess. Document Purge Shredding is a one-off service designed to tackle this very kind of problem, in addition to those who don’t require a regular shredding service. No job is too big or small for a purge, luck for those who are really in need of a good shred. While many sign up for recurring services, there are those who’s production of secure documents is light enough that they can’t justify the expense. With a one-time purge, you can stay on top of your responsibilities.

How Does A Purge Work?

It’s all a very simple process. You reach out to the document shredder of your choice, inform them of your needs, and eagerly await the relife that comes with shredding. At the appointed day and time, a shred truck will arrive at your location. All material to be shredder will then be gathered up, taken out to the truck, and then shred right before your eyes. Just like that, your documents have been shred, a certificate of destruction awarded to you proof of your commitment to information safety, and you can return to your now de-cluttered office.

While a scheduled shredding service will return on a frequent basis, to make sure you’re staying on top of your needs, once the purge is done it is done. As mentioned before, this makes it an ideal service for those that only require shredding once in a while. For those with larger needs, a purge may not be your best option, a regular scheduled service would be in order, although there are always different services to meet your needs.

If you’re ready to purge, give us a ring, and let us know what you need done. We’re here to keep up with your information compliance, and support sustainability by recycling all papers that get destroyed.

We are here to answer all your questions about secure document and hard drive shredding.
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